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Virtual and In-Person Meetings
Virtual meetings are being held, unless specified as in-person or outings on our calendar.
Our weekly activities include tutorials, photo presentations, discussion forums, competitions and photo outings.
Although our regular meetings are reserved for member participation, they are open to the public. If you are interested in atttending a meeting, let us know via email at fortdinfo@gmail.com.
We continue to post industry news, free tutorials and articles about photography on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/chicagophotoforum
Friday, October 4, 2024
7:30 PM
Donations to not-for-profit Fort Dearborn-Chicago Photo Forum are always welcome and are tax deductible:
Fort Dearborn - Chicago Photo Forum Special Presentation
"Seating" is Limited
Bob Benson
"Photoshop is such a huge program with so many ways of doing things. I will discuss some basic shortcuts, approaches to work flows, and give some eclectic mix of examples for working with some tools more efficiently."
Bob Benson: Photoshop Tips and Tricks and Techniques
You need to register to get the link to the program.
Skyline, Hudson River, New York, 1995
© 2023 Rodney Smith Ltd., courtesy of the Estate of Rodney Smith

About Bob Benson
Bob Benson joined a local camera club over 40 years ago. He got “volunteered” 20 years ago to be on the board of directors for CACCA (Chicago Area Camera Club Association,) and has held various positions since, including president and the CAPS committee chair. He has received the Wanda Christl Award, the Stinson Award, the Len Gordon Award, and the TOPS in CACCA for color prints, B&W prints, and Creative.
Benson has been a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) for 20+ years. He received EPSA and FPSA status in 2019. He was previously Nature Print Chair for the PSA Exhibition, Director of the international PID Interclub Competition, wrote a tech column for the PSA Journal for three years, and held a term as Vice President of Divisions on the PSA Board.He currently is a PID study group leader, judges locally and internationally, and serves on various committees.
His prints have been exhibited in several locations within the US, China, and Vietnam. He has won numerous Gold medals in international exhibitions
He loves to photograph about everything, especially landscapes and macro.